About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ur Happy Place 10/6

welcome to ur happy place for the week of 10/6! photos this week come from our annual visit to king richard's faire in carver, ma. here is the wish web. make a wish, and tie ur wish string into the web. it's a marvel seeing all these wishes floating off to become real...the shots we took here and the new moon coming on thursday, gave me the inspiration for this week's post.

ur happy place haiku:

start again once more, we rise

crow's first light cawing

warm bed, cold floor, cat yawns, rise

the new moon is this thursday, and as the name implies, the new moon is the ideal time to consider what it is in ur life that u might want to add a bit of luna boost to. is there a home or work project you'd like to add a bit more vigor to? a new relationship you'd like blessed with luna love? a creative endeavor that you'd like to dust off and give a bit more attention and time to? why not try working with a new moon ritual to focus ur energies and potentize your intentions? this week's "recipe" is a ritual based on the idea that each week day has its own particular magic and promise. added with the moon's influence you can create a wonderful ritual for yourself.

here are some ideas suggested by ellen dugan from her book garden witch's herbal:

Thursday's planet is jupiter and this day is good for working rituals on:

prosperity, abundance, leadership, good health, healing.

deities(should u wish to call on one or all..also call on ur own guides, allies guardians, angels etc): thor ,jupiter, zeus, juno.

metal: tin

stones: sapphire, amethyst, turquoise.

essential oils: clove , honeysuckle, meadowsweet, nutmeg, sage.

herbs, trees and plants: anise, borage, butterfly weed, chestnut, cinquefoil, clove, dandelion, honeysuckle,(woodbine), hyssop, meadowsweet, nutmeg, oak tree, sarsaparilla, sage.

herbal spell for thursday:

by thursday's energies of prosperity and health,
in the best possible way, may this spell bring me wealth,
herbs of jupiter add ur abundant energies to mine,
bring to me a positive change that will come rain or shine.

when i do a simple ritual i will often use a candle (prayer/spell candles are the small tapers that u can purchase at new age or magical supply shoppes..try www.circlesofwisdom.com if u don't have one nearby..tell them i sent u along..nice folk there..and they carry a lovely selection of art for your heart!) that corresponds with what i'm looking to attain..a green one would be good for the above topics.

i'll anoint it with an oil (such as one of the above as i work the words/spell/prayer/intention of choice, imagining the words and intent being placed into the candle.

the lighting of the candle releases the energy into the world at large to be made real. let the candle burn out if u can. and dispose of afterwards.

the fun is in making the "recipe" ur own, try using what's here as a jumping off spot and adding ur own words and thoughts to the spell/intention. in most cases the herbs can be used as incense and burned or placed in a bit of cloth and tied as an amulet or carried on ur person etc. experiment, enjoy urself and let me know how u do!

finishing up with some fun( and a bit craaazy) mini videos on art journaling..maybe something new for u 2 try??? until next time..celebrate u xx


  1. Lovely! Love this post. How do you anoint the candle? Does the oil burn up?

  2. hi carrie

    thank u for visiting!

    the way i anoint a candle is to take a drop of oil and rub it on with my finger all the way around the candle..and it is such a tiny amount it will not cause a bon fire!

    also i wanted to say celtic music is major soul food for me and am psyched to listen to the bands u have on ur site..love to get turned onto new groups! ;)
