(halloween), winter solstice ( on or around 12/21-22),imbolc (a fire festival for goddess brigit on /around 2/1-2/2), spring equinox ( on or around 3/21), beltane(may day), summer solstice (on or around 6/21-22), lughnasadh (a harvest festival on or around 8/1), autumn equinox (on or around 9/21).
if you'd like to learn more for curiosity sake..here are a couple of books: the wheel of the year by pauline campanelli, celebrate the earth by laurie cabot,paganism by joyce and river higginbotham.
maybe in and around the costumes, carmel apples, candy corn and pumpkin carving this year, you'll take a moment to stand out among the moon and stars and listen..you never know who might want to say hello!
maybe too, you'll sit by the fire one night soon and watch the tree silhouettes wave to you through a darkened window. and maybe you'll have the courage to ask, what needs to die?
either way may the blessings of this time be with you!
ur happy place haiku:
death is never an ending
just another room
for our souls to travel through
and now some powerful words from a man who knows!
Why Men Need Yoga.
Yoga touches most of our sore points, which is why most people and especially men need Yoga. Men need to say "yes" to embracing a process that requires self acceptance and self approval. From my male viewpoint the hardest steps are the first ones that lead into a studio or a practice.
Most men are unconsciously tight towards exploring and experiencing something that they perceive to be for women or is a practice that goes against the concept of being manly and strong. To some degree the yoga community is to blame in that it markets Yoga in a way that looks difficult or unattainable.
Men are by and large unaware of their bodies needs, they have a desire to be strong and tough. A yoga practice will encourage them to explore body awareness and accept that they have weakness.
"Anybody can do yoga, all you need to do is breathe!" How many men and for that matter women do you know that appear invincible, independent, always in action and somehow suppressing their feelings, and when they do feel anxious they just shrug and say that is normal. Yoga will help YOU accept your vulnerability, encourage YOU to accept support, allow for the opportunity of introspection. From there our feelings can be embraced.
It's okay to be human and kind. It's okay to be strong and compassionate. Practicing yoga will provide tools for conscious breathing, movement begins the process, and the relaxation helps men to let go of perceived control.
So rather than than say no, say "yes."
YES, to giving something new a try, maybe more than once.
Yes, to perceiving yourself to be something you are not, it's okay if the older woman is stronger than you in the class.
Say, yes, and be humble, say yes to the fear that yoga or something like yoga may actually be good for you, and that you really enjoy it.
The world needs more men to to say something like, "I am compassionate and strong, I bravely acknowledge my entire self in loving care and I allow myself to cry." And before I watch the football, game or retire in front of the TV, "I will help with some household chores, like folding some clothes or starting the laundry."
om shanti to you all.
Ken Lidden
until next time...xx
until next time...xx