About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Friday, July 23, 2010

a day in the sandbox!

in no particular order some of my play pretty's from yesterday..some done some barely started but aaaah a day to play in the sandbox, don't we love these days? some will join me at the castle on sunday....these are baby hearts teeny, tiny 2 X 2 and some a bit bigger, so sweet when u want to give just a little somethin'..

one of the new sentiments quotes i'm coming out with..

follow the path...

another new sentiment..

and another.....

greet the wind..

i love this for a house blessing gift....

a new life is a message alot of women especially "get".. and many are going after!

thinking of you...xx


  1. Wow....u have been busy creating...beautiful my friend!!! I would like to order a 2x2 of "Beach Girl"....how perfect!...and when I read ur new quote, "If you want to learn to fly, you must first turn and greet the wind"....well...I got completely choked up! xoxo

  2. bless u dear one on ur kind words! i would love to send u beach girl,what color backround would u like? the quotes have been such a wonderful exerience for me to put my own words wiht the art is really special to me and i feel like i'm just scratching the surface..i suppose that's the creative spirit in a nutshell, eh??


  3. lots of great stuff and inspiring lines! :)

  4. UR sooo welcome :).....I would love a pink background for "Beach Girl"...thanks! xoxo

  5. kerri
    thku soo much, as u know there's always something brewing,isn't there??? sending big smiles and creative wishes ur way! xx

  6. Thank you for the wonderful mini-canvas! I put it right above my full-length mirror to remind me to greet myself with love every day just as a dear friend would greet me! xoxo
