welcome to ur happy place for 11/24! feeling so incredibly blessed for so many simple and ordinary reasons: just to be human in this perfectly imperfect world; with all it's pain and injustice and hardship... that the light still shines..the full moon casts her glow thru the misty clouds, the candles offer beacons of hope on the window sill, neighbors smile and wave, our lives circle round. in all things may we find reason to move with Life wherever is takes us. wishing u the blessings of the thanksgiving holiday. and thanking u for the blessing that u are in this tender world.
here are my beloved knitter sisters who braved learning a european technique taught by elizabeth perez, jewelry designer, knitter and all around creative dynamo..my open house this past saturday..cory and nancy sorting it out...
elizabeth and dee casting on..
chris and nanc forging into scarf wilderness...
sparkly embellishments.... on sunday i spent a spectacular day with guests and friends doing readings on the cape:
this is the loft i spent the day in offering psychic/spiritual consult....lucky, lucky me!
chez, always the peace faerie did reiki and spread her personal brand of magic..
one of our hostess, jen's altars
ur happy day haiku:
times of wonder come
sunlight dancing on the waves
raven wings spread wide
ken now with his sharing: Fear, Love and Truth.
Fear is the frightened child.
Love is the flame of holy remembering.
At any moment truth can enter.
Whether it can be spirit, a human being,
the laugh of a child, or the song of a bird,
there will be something
that awakens in you the memory
of who you are.
That is why we all come,
birds, flowers, dolphins,
children, animals, and You.
Food for Thought
In light of Deb's words last week in keeping it simple, Ken is going to leave you a question. And while the answer may not be simple at this extra busy time of year he encourages you to ponder the question.
Do you ever notice that you keep bumping up against the same problems and situations in life?
I did, and still do. That's why I practice Yoga, Meditation, and use Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy.
What do you do?
until next time...xx
What a lovely post!