About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

ur happy place 12/8!

welcome to ur happy place for the week 12/8!

ur little nook of serenity for the week:

and here are ken's thoughts for the week:

Stress has described by Hans Selve as essentially the rate of wear and tear in the body. In itself, it is neither good nor bad, it is the response of the body to any demand. To live means demands are made on our bodies, so how we respond and adapt to these ongoing demands will determine how we stand up to stress.

Self-responsibility and our ability to adapt to the demands of life will help you deal with stress.

The "use it or lose it" motto will be very helpful. Stress builds because we move away from use it or lose it. If our bones are not used to bear weight they become soft. If our muscles are not used regularly in challenging and skilled activity they become weak and less responsive. If our brain cells are not involved in a wide variety of voluntary activities they deteriorate.

This softening, weakening, and deterioration of our resources take place gradually and insidiously, stress increases this process without us even knowing it.

So, find something that helps restore a more natural way of being. Focus on your breathing, move your body slowly, and without pain. Be persistent, patient and positive. Keep using your brain, keep learning, keep being creative. Stress will not go away, but how you deal and adapt to it can change. You be that change.

bright blessings to you until next time..xx

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