About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Three A's

Awhile back in yoga class Ken brought the Three A's onto the mat for us to consider: Awareness, Acceptance and Action.

Since then I've offered the Three A's to many of my clients as a way to work with challenges in their lives.
With phobias..say flying- one could consider the following:

Awareness that u have this fear and it may stem from another experience, maybe a flight where u experienced an emergency evacuation. It is common to generalize, taking what happened once and fearing it will happen again each and every time. Logic is lost and knee-jerk reactions take over. Interjecting a breath and moment of present awareness can help to break the spell. You might be aware of your stomach tightening or head throbbing, acknowledge that. Stay with what you notice right here, right now.

Acceptance- accept u have this feeling, feel it- breathe, allow , observe. An easy 80% of the energy of the fear can be dissipated by learning to feel without labeling or repeating the mental tape,"I'm afraid, something's going to happen.. I'm afraid something's going to happen..I'm af..." Let the feeling move through and out of your body.

Action- “ I am in this moment and I am safe ” repeat and breathe. Perhaps a mantra such as "Om Shanti" (eternal peace) could work for you or other words such as on an in breath "Peace" and the out breath "Here" In this way you can substitute a higher vibrational choice, rewiring your reactions into deliberate choice, a very big difference, your body will feel it and you can shift yourself out of panic and into balance.

using the 3 A's can reorder your daily experiences and bring a calm and sense of connection to your own deep well of power and spiritual resources.

Meditation is a beautiful reinforcement to this practice. Developing a regular meditation practice may be one of the finest methods you can choose to enhance your day to day living. I hope u can join me for my two upcoming series:

Meditation: Mala Beads, Mantra and Breath

In this series we will work with mala beads, mantras and our breath. Mala beads are strung in a circle and have been used since time immemorial. Their energy comes from the power of form, the intent from centuries of human use, and the intent you place in them. Malas bring beneficial energy into your life and this happens when the mala itself, combined with the energy you place inside it for your specific use is combined together.

We will learn to use the malas to do japa, which means chanting an affirmation, prayer or mantra, and will incorporate the conscious breath. A regular japa practice with malas, mantra and breath brings focus, clarity, peace and deep well being to your life.

Bring your Mala beads to class. Resources for Malas: www.Circleofwisdom.com, www.sanandaspiritualcenter.com and www.shakyadesigns.com

Oct/Nov Dates :3 week series –Mon.10/17, 10/24 and Nov. 7

7-8:30pm $65 early bird special when prepaid by 10/10 or $75 first night of class.

An Evening of Guided Meditation

We all seek to remember who we are, to feel whole, at peace, to have a framework that will help us navigate through life’s hardships and hurts. We want to feel safe, loved and supported. We long to feel connection with the creative force of the universe, and our own Sacred Essence, to feel connected to others we share life with. We desire to do work in the world that satisfies us, to fulfill creative urges, to embody the limitlessness of our true self.

In this series we will experience and learn meditations to help foster the use of our inner resources. We will reconnect with our body’s wisdom for greater intuition and health, the inner healer for mental clarity and emotional care and the wise teacher for spiritual growth, and direction. We will learn that within us we have all that we need.

Nov/Dec Dates: 3 week series –Mon. 11/2, 11/28 and 12/5

7-8:30pm $65 early bird special when prepaid by 11/14 or $75 first night of class.

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