welcome to ur happy place: a refuge for body, mind and soul for the week of 3/9! we are managing to live a new life here for awhile as recovery takes its time. part of using our intuition is learning to listen to ourselves: body, mind and soul. learning to be with the messages our bodies give us; rest, act, move, lie still. for me its been a balancing act of movement -to do what needs to be done here: the laundry , meals, food shopping, dispensing medication, tending emails, making phone calls, tidying up, refilling water glasses, disposing of tissue piles, rechecks to the doctors in the city, helping with homework, scheduling visits with friends, communion visits from the priest, updates to family, working on the intuition course coming up beginning 3/29... and pausing to keep my loved one company, to chat, sit in companionable silence, to just be.
as you'll learn if you join us for your intuitive life: a course to awaken your inner gifts and guidance, intuition is useful in every moment of your life. it isn't just about "pulling rabbits from a hat", drawing impressive nuggets of insight or predictions from the ethers or words of wisdom from loved ones in spirit. it is a seamless flow of connection that is ever available to us, useful in the smallest and biggest aspects of daily life. it helps us discern which person to call for help with a loved one and saves us from running down a long call list. or how to assign tasks in our day to take advantage of the best use of our energy, motivation and time. or "feeling into" the day so we can see who might be in a "mood" giving us a heads up on when to approach them about supporting us in a new project we want to spearhead at the office.
i hope to help you enlarge your idea of what intuition is, to widen your scope of living and to help you blend with it consciously to bring more joy, ease and peace into your days. to give you a profound sense of the divine, your constant companion and original home base. to help you to remember how wonderful it feels to be unconditionally supported, loved and wished success in each part of your life, from the source of all things. we already have a handful of students and hope you'll become part of this new world that is being creating, the world of awakened doers, the enlightened ones, the bringers of the age of the soul.
until next time...xx
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