welcome to ur happy place: a refuge for body, mind and soul for 3/16! usually i write my blog content prior to the day i post, but i have been a bit discombobulated with my temporary full time care takers position of late and i just didn't get to it, so today will be a more spontaneous chat with you.
it's so quiet in the house -niko's at school and steve is resting. i went back to bed till 8:15 . it's the moontime phase for me right (menses, but doesn't moontime sound much more interesting and powerful?) i've learned the first two days are ones that want me to slow down, so when i can , i do. i am having a really peaceful start to the day..just brewed a pot of nettles tea and brought out one of my favorite english cups and saucers to drink from.
with the spring equinox in hand this weekend, we know that daylight savings has ended and we are feeling more of the sun's warmth and seeing the days grow longer. in the christian tradition's easter about a month away, the season of rebirth and resurrection is here. the energy of the christ, the illumined energy of the most high is palpable, perhaps more than any time of the year. pagans and others who follow earth centered traditions may retell the story of demeter and persephone- the myth of demeter, the mother, who lost her daughter, persephone, to hades the lord of the underworld. in her sorrow and wrath she made the lands barren each year until spring when her daughter was allowed to come back to her for a spell, and with her return came the greening of life and spring.
do you find yourself naturally responding to the returning light. the renewal of vital energies? i am soooo earth's creature. each season i feel spring fever take over and i find myself chomping at the bit to get out and clear out our garden beds..look at what landscape projects i can tear into, what art i might want to make to decorate the doors or meditation garden with. what trees need to be cut and used next winter for fire wood. this week, if a goes well i'll pull last season's heirloom tomato seeds from the freezer and pot them up for memorial day planting in the raised beds outdoors.
but more than reconnecting and communing with nature and earth, spring can be a time for us to reawaken dreams, to renew our personal fires, to follow through with some more of our intentions for the new year. it's a time to experience a new life force, of joy, of resurrecting our own christ light. what tiny seeds of new life are you aware of? is there a dream that yearns to sprout now, that can blossom with the sun's warmth? is there a load that needs to be lightened? a self-care practice you're ready to try like meditation or yoga? smile, breathe and consider the possibilities as you sow your fresh seeds of potential. i'll look for you there, sleeves rolled up, elbow deep in the field of dreams!
until next time...xx
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