About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Monday, January 10, 2011

ur happy place 1/12!

welcome to ur happy place edition for 1/12! we're truly in the heart of the winter now. we've had our first nor'easter and snow lingers ( i wrote this ahead of the current one that's now hammering us!) on the ground. it's been cold enough for long enough to still the surface of moving waters. and yet even though the exterior layers appear frozen , it's easy to peer down beneath them to the place where a trickling flow continues. within myself i am feeling a similar movement. it's the way knowingness emerges for me. first a trickle of movement catches my eye and if i give it my attention, i often find that it has something to reveal to me.

a couple days back ken, our guest blogger and my yoga guru (a title he isn't particularly comfortable with! and i'm ok with that;), were chatting about his decision not to continue posting beyond today's edition. he shared that he took to heart what i recently wrote about a different way to begin the new year:

"why not try this?
live from within.
let your deep heart guide you naturally into the next steps of your own unique journey."
his deep heart was saying that the commitment to post twice a month was feeling more like a chore, and i get that. he's complete with the experience. he also mentioned that he felt the direction of the posts i had put up seemed to moving in a more personal direction. i love that he tried on this little prompt and it opened him to a place of awareness, acceptance and action (something he posts on below), even if it does mean that we'll miss his yoga
nuggets here.

later, back at my frozen waters, what bubbled up was that i had been resisting some deep heart guidance of my own about this blog and his clarity sparked my own. teacher, student, student teacher, taking turns, one inspiration leads to another, one truth reveals the next. ken hit a cord. yes, the direction was getting more personal, though it wasn't a preconceived act. that little trickle wanted me to flow on downstream, to get out of the way and loosen up with what i really wanted to put out here not hold onto a format i felt squeezed into.

sooooo..we're going with it!

what i've wanted to do is more storytelling; to extend a forum to share our vulnerabilities, creative joys, losses, woes, simple pleasures, all of it. and to do it in whatever way feels good. so i'm listening to this voice and just like the trickle- letting the ideas, stories and journey come as it will. i trust it and look forward to the spontaneity of it, the let's just see what happens-ness of it. doesn't it feel good to let at least a small portion of life be unplanned, without a list, a goal, except to show up and be willing? if u haven't given it a try in a while ..or ever, why not join me and try ditching the the should's and let the let's not and do this instead's step up, even if for just some tiny piece of your day.....

and to wrap up here is ken's final post...thanks ken for sharing with us - we'll miss you! om shanti...

"why not try this?

live from within.

let your deep heart guide you naturally into the next steps of your own unique journey.

it works!"

Upon reading Deb's words last week I have decided to make this my last piece for Deb's Blog.

Thanks Deb for the opportunity to share, I wish you, and your readers all the best with whatever you do.

Ken will leave you on the words of Awareness and Acceptance.

Whatever you do, however you do it, find ways to expand your awareness.

Mine is through Yoga, Meditation and Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy.

What are yours?

Then, while you practice expanding and being with your awareness, ACCEPT it for what it is.

You don't have to like it, you may wish to change it, but start with accepting it!

Be willing to be with what is happening.

All sounds easy, doesn't it?

Well, I don't think it is, so my suggestion is to trust yourself to find someone to share with.

And, then keep practicing Awareness and Acceptance.

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantih.

Peace for me, you and us all.

Ken Lidden

ABT Yoga

Explore, Experience.

Create Support for Yourself.



till next time...xx


  1. I look forward to your continued expansion Deb, it is such a joy to behold.

  2. thanks ken...it's great to be in the sandbox w/ya!
