A Special Day
On October 31st when I launch my new website, www.deborahdonofrio.com, you will be treated to an interactive home away from home; a place to return often for peace and spiritual nourishment, an inspired spot to learn, grow and evolve. You will find a place that fully supports you as you journey back home to yourself, a place that affirms:
· You are perfect just as you are. Already whole, and enough right now. There is no need to fix who you are. You are not broken, fragmented, lost, dysfunctional, lacking in anyway. You are a sacred embodiment of the Universe or Living Light, or what I also refer to as Love.
· You are a vast, unlimited expression of Sacred Essence and Being. Who you are is not your mind, thoughts, emotions, identifications with the outside world. You are not your career, your marriage, your divorce, your aloneness, your address, your bank account, your children’s successes or failures, or your successes or failures, your body’s appearance, age, aches or pains or diseases. You are not your small self (ego).
· You are here to experience your enlightenment in this lifetime. It's easy to get caught up in the idea of enlightenment being something elite or lofty. That it means we 're special or highly advanced. The small self likes that! But enlightenment is our natural state, a sense of felt oneness with the Living Light, Love or Being.
· Forgetting this is why we feel alone, separate, and disconnected from ourselves, others, our purpose, Being and the Living Light itself. We suffer when we forget who we are. We often become depressed, anxious, fearful, angry, envious, dejected and lose the natural state of joy that is our birthright.
· Our practice is to remember and learn to consciously embody our Sacred self. Doing this brings us back into harmony with our true essence, into right relationship with others, enables us to make the wisest choices for our life, and from this state we act as reminders for others , bringing greater peace and enlightenment to our planet.
You'll notice many, many new features on the website:
*In the INSPIRATION section
You'll find the FREE downloadable meditations that Sherryl and I created- Look for the whole story of how we came to together for this project complete with photo album.
FREE Manifesting with the Moon Phases instructions, resources, lunar calendar link and more to help plan your own rituals/ ceremonies to coordinate in time with the new moon, full moon and dark moon.
and lots more
In the LEARN & GROW section
You'll learn about which online workshops are currently available for you to download. Catch up on the latest in person schedule class and workshops.
Stay current on when book study classes will be held and more
in the SERVICES section
You'll get a much more in depth understanding of the options available to you for Intuitive Counsel, Reiki and Integrative Healing. Processes during sessions have been refined and redeveloped to bring you back to your own home center and help you discover your own inner healer, wise voice and answers.
Intuitive Counsel sessions can now be face to face- whether you are in London, Glasgow, Florence, San Diego, Cape Cod or next door- with Skype.
I'll be offering Private Mentoring sessions for individuals and small groups of friends.. choose from topics such as Personal Altars, Designing Rituals and Ceremonies, Creating Your Own Mediation Practice...
and more
In the SHOP section
You'll enter my new zazzle store and see all new products to choose from for birthdays, the holidays....
You'll visit my Soul Essence Portrait Gallery...and more
You'll be able to catch up with what's happening through my BLOG and newsletters..and get to know me a bit better under DEBORAH.
These are just a few of the highlights....There's so much I'm excited to share with you.
until next time...xx
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