About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

ur happy place 4/20

holding space within.....

welcome to ur happy place: a refuge for body, mind and soul for 4/20! this morning my yoga teacher, ken said, "it is in transition that we learn so much" how true! either the easy way or hard way!

i'm learning that my first inclination is to wrestle with transitions, to fear them and avoid the feelings they bring up. they magnetically draw up ego's insecurities and criticisms and the many knee jerk reactions it jumps into whenever it's time to change. the what's, where's and when's scream out in bold letters. needing to float a life raft of sanity into the fray i've made the choice to enter into a time of paring away the outside influence and distractions of everyday life; to surrender into a space of deeper listening and understanding. i need to gather to myself my soul's next evolutionary steps. so i've begun a 3 week period of "conscious cleansing" . this means i'll be deliberately reshaping my daily routine to step away from media at large: tv, all but essential work related emails, magazines, texting, newspaper, radio etc. it means turning in and quietening, listening and taking direction from the One.

sooo I 've gone back and forth with whether to continue blogging while I'm in this process and where these personal sharings fit in with this process. With the nature of self revelation i feel now is the time to stay inward. and so i will continue to stay in touch with event, healing and counseling updates and will be continuing to take clients practicing on my regular schedule, but i will step away from the personal aspect of blogging until the cleanse is complete may 9th.

wishing you a wondrous season of rebirth, renewal and easter for those who honor the holiday.

blessings to you on your journey in the time i'll be away.

until next time...xx

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

ur happy place 4/13!

my friend "j-twirl" jaclyn and charmer.

welcome to ur happy place: a refuge for body, mind and soul for 4/13! have u heard the peepers out ur window? or the song birds? aaahhhh slept with the window open monday nite and it was a delight to listen to the night sounds and smell the fresh april air.

living in the moment we can deeply appreciate the many delights a day holds. for me lately:

- getting to the 6am yoga class and seeing the sun rise!
-absorbing the teachings of yoga more and more, and feeling more and more alive as a result
-friends and family 's health improving
-having help in the garden moving piles of brick out of the way
-the joy of planting pansies in time for ostara/easter
-happiness watching others grow in their spirituality
-seeing my son continue to mature into a guy i'm proud to be mom to
-listening to new tracks on my ipod, aine moingue, ashana, sting, uncle kracker

-ideas for new art, "the painted ladies"
-anticipation of all my favorite summer pass times....

how about you? even the difficult moments take on a different more bearable quality when we are fully present with them, have u noticed? try a pause instead of a reaction next time a challenge comes ur way, a deep breath before a word is spoken. a smile in spite of the grimace... it's an and/ both kind of life we live and i'm glad i'm here, living it with you.

also fyi- abtyoga is hosting journeying with the chakras, saturday may 21st, 3-5pm, with joseph carringer, dideridoo musician and sound therapist.

peace and joy to you

until next time...xx

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ur happy place for 4/6!

welcome to ur happy place : a refuge for body, mind and soul for 4/6! today my mind is on the ladies who are taking Your Intuitive Life: Awakening and Using Your Inner Gifts and Guidance. last nite was our 2nd week together and hearing how their first week went was so much fun for me. I feel like part cheerleader, mother hen and sister pilgrim on the path. them opening to the soul within at this time in our history means that they do so with such universal support with all the energetic changes we are undergoing on the earth and within ourselves. we are changing at the speed of love, each of us. the influences surround us and there is no going back. as we embrace change and welcome it into our lives, budding more fully into our soulselves, amazing things are possible, in fact, these days all things are possible. have u noticed?

some beautiful connections were made with some of the ladies and relatives in spirit, recognizing synchronicity show up and having that aha! and taking action- being in the flow with what needed to be done, others found challenges with parts of our "playwork" for the week- meditating...and working to remember dreams ...all part and parcel in the development process. just a thrill for me to witness where they are and where they will go. their development timetable while their own, will overall be much quicker than mine was back in the dark ages, I feel like a traveler and guide with them into unchartered territory as we explore the inner and otherworldly spaces together..so to the ladies and to you....happy travels and journey well!

unitl next time...xx