welcome to ur happy place: a refuge for body, mind and soul for 2/16!
refining. tweaking. evolving. this week i've been involved in noticing this process. once we ask to live a more conscious way of life, the wheels of change are set in motion. we go thru cycles of inspiration, listening to the muse's whispers, grounding them and making them real in the world and then feeling that wonderful sense of satisfaction when the thing is done, the project finished, the book written, the attic reorganized...then comes the void..the pause.. the exhale..and it begins all over again.
as we become more enlightened, we are increasingly aware of this process in all areas of our lives. if we can stay loose, unattached and fluid, then we keep to our soul's rhythm and its urge to express it self, perhaps in ways that require us to depart our current path and trek off road. if we cling only to what we know, to what others might think, to what our ego or small self is accustomed to, to what we deem safe and acceptable, we may feel ourselves getting antsy, experience a sense of frustration, of seeing only a brick wall or dead end. the longer we resist, the more prone we are to feeling bored, irritable, hopeless or depressed. when we mistakenly interpret the soul's need to grow as a threat to our security, or as rash, irresponsible, impulsive, we dismember our inherent need to stretch, to dance with the divine, to create, design and innovate into new dimensions of space, time and knowledge. we cut ourselves off from the creative forces of the universe and our intrinsic creative nature.
at times like this is can be helpful to ask some questions like: what if we were to just for the heck of it entertain the soul for a bit? what if we were to, instead of shutting it down completely, let it have its say? what would it tell us? maybe it would say something like." you know when i bring up change, i'm signaling you that you've outgrown something. you've finished up what you need to learn, that i'm satisfied and ready for another opportunity. true, it may be on a different time table than you had in mind, but i won't steer you wrong. trust that the next set of coincidences , synchronicities, symbols and signals will come along, that life will take you step by step into the next bright horizon, just the way it did into what you've now mastered."
to put it into perspective, imagine this: a child staying in the first grade for his entire educational process. " what, graduate out of first grade? what do you mean? why would you ever want to do that? you know what to expect, when to eat lunch, when you'll have recess, where the bathroom is, what your math and language arts topics will be. why would you ever want to change that?"
crazy, huh? hmmmm..how many of us stay when it's clearly time to go? why? do we lack Self trust, our ability to find our way, to buck the antiquated system of grab on and hold on for dear life? often we equate change with risk, one of those four letter words we conjure to stay stuck. change is bad, scary, threatening, to be avoided.
but what if risk is simply what's next? a right direction down the soul road of evolution. what if risk means nothing more than taking the next step and then the next step as it appears? could we be ok with not seeing the end of the road before we step onto it? what if risk is nothing more than saying "yes" and "show me". could this be the way of our future as we dismantle humanity's need to fear the unknown? as we lighten up and enlighten ourselves to orientations more in line with ease, open-minded and open- hearted creativity? to aligning with our true divine nature? in this context risk becomes an invitation to play, explore, dream and anchor in an entirely soul based perspective, one that leads to a more soul based life. a life you were born to live.
i extend this invitation to you the next time your soul presents you with that familiar feeling of nearing the end of one road: smile and breathe and say yes.
until next time...xx
"YES" the way is open.....proceeding with an Open Heart today...right now!
ReplyDeleteIn Snyc as always my friend...makes me smile : )