About Me

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Living close to what matters, I strive to remember that the greatest story of all is the one I am living and so to live full and well. This is certainly a work in progress!I am a mixed media artist, healer, mom, wife, muser, lover of the natural world. I am learning always about how to listen with care to what's inside that wants to be expressed, brought out into the light of day...to the stories and adventures of people I care about, and to the folks I share this world with, to honor life's impulses and flow and act to make real the dreams I hold within. I hope to share with you the journey of life, full of creative juice, magic, mystery, and the unexpected!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

where it is

these are off to abt yoga, topsfield, ma. www.abtyoga.com check in with ken to see them and take a class too, he's great, our "australian teddy bear"...i've heard him called!
here are the new muslin gift pouches for the baby canvas gift sets. i've handstamped these. so the set includes: the baby canvas, gift pouch with ribbon and a blank gift card! when u want to give just a little somethin' ;)

these are off to riverwalk beads and gallery in amesbury, ma.

these are headed to : abt yoga, topsfield, ma.

these to circles of wisdom, andover, ma.
i have some other goodies avail on their online store too..

oh and the baby to the far left says "witchy girl" not "itchy girl" lol!

these are destined for:

general goods
andover, ma

happy full moon and sunday to you!
thinking of you...xx


  1. Bellissimo my friend!!!

  2. wow! all these things are beautiful! you are on a ROLL! so nice seeing you the other night- i can't wait for our early fall playtime at my place! ;)

  3. hello friends! good to see u here;) chrissy ur order will go out this week!

    nina!yup gathering a little steam over here :D thanku.. me 2 hope to see u at the 8/24 danvers art ass. gathering w/ heidi and mindy..that's the next one i'll be at...xxx sending u good wishes with transitions in the meantime...deb

  4. thanks a bunch Deb xoxo
